Bee Friday - Beeswax Body Oil

Black Friday becomes Bee Friday at Moonsun Organic

Moonsun Organic of Sweden proudly launches the Bee Friday campaign to save wild bees and stand up for one of its driving forces to consume sustainably. At a time when shopping frenzy and offers that often encourage excessive consumption take over, Moonsun Organic stands strong with its initiative to instead support the Nature Conservation Society's campaign Operation: Save the Bees.

Beeswax Body Oil

One of Moonsun Organics' most popular products is Beeswax Body Oil, a moisturizing and softening body oil with, among other things, beeswax from organic beekeeping, sea buckthorn and a scent of lemongrass. It was precisely the popularity of beeswax oil that sparked the idea to choose a different path this time than discounts in connection with Black Friday. During BeeFriday, Moonsun Organic will instead donate 10% of the sales value of all the products on its website to the Nature Conservation Society's project Operation: Save the Bees

Everyone can do something

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something, so we at Moonsun Organic believe that we can create good changes with multiple winners.

- As a small company, we naturally have limited opportunities to influence conscious consumption, but we welcome all companies to do what they can to create change. By supporting the project Operation: Save the Bees, Moonsun takes a stand and gives our support to the conservation of wild bees and other pollinating insects, which are crucial for our ecosystem and the well-being of our planet, says Lillemor Svensson at Moonsun Organic AB.

A recurring initiative

Bee Friday is not just a temporary promotion; it is an expression of Moonsun Organic of Sweden's commitment to sustainability, the endeavor to promote ecologically conscious choices and to be a role model for environmental awareness in the beauty industry. The Bee Friday campaign will run from November 20th through November 28th, to also cover Giving Tuesday which is precisely November 28th, 2023. Moonsun hopes that this initiative is the beginning of a recurring support for the conservation of our bees, but also other activities that drive conscious consumption forward.

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